We’re Dedicated to Enabling our Clients in their Daily Living
Occupational therapy is a regulated health care profession dedicated to working with clients using evidence-based practice to enable them to participate in meaningful activities while taking into consideration their home environment, culture, and community. Occupational therapy practitioners have a holistic perspective and wish to enable individuals by maximizing their independence through physical and/or mental strategies and techniques. Clients learn how to develop the appropriate skills in the areas of self-care, productivity and leisure that are necessary for independent and satisfying lives.

Occupational therapy for children and youth

What is Occupational Therapy for children?
The roles and expectations for a child are much different than that of an adult. Play is considered the primary occupation for children, where they explore different ways they can interact with their environment.
Occupational therapists understand that play is essential for development and they study the concepts and assumptions that underlie the theories of play. Occupational therapists realize that multiple, interrelated factors within the child, family and environment influence a child’s ability to engage in play. Through the use of best practice, theory, assessment and clinical reasoning, occupational therapists are able to hypothesize and develop interventions to improve the occupational performance and function of children.
What is Occupational Therapy for Mental Health Disorders?
When children and youth face a mental health challenge, early identification and intervention is crucial and can lead to improved achievement in school and better health outcomes in life.
Expanding Horizons OT uses a hands-on approach to teach children and youth skills and tools to help them build resilience and better cope and thrive in their ever changing lives. An occupational therapist collaborates with children and youth to assist them in developing effective strategies to successfully function with their mental illness. Areas that occupational therapists typically address are stress/anxiety management, self-regulation skills, goal planning, conflict resolution, job skills, daily routine and planning, engagement in leisure activities and financial planning.

what can occupational therapy help with?
Our occupational therapists have experience applying evidence-based practice to enable our clients to live independent and satisfying lives.
Fine and Gross Motor Skills
Your occupational therapist can complete a fine and gross motor assessment to assess your child’s skills in these areas. We can help teach children and youth shoe lace tying, bike riding, getting dressed, self-care skills and components of gross motor play such as aiming, catching, jumping and balance.
Sensory Processing
Occupational therapists can complete sensory assessments to identify any concerns around sensory processing. We provide strategies and intervention to manage these day-to-day sensory needs to ensure that our clients can live their lives fully, functionally & in a meaningful way.
Self Regulation
Does your child experience intense bursts of emotion, difficulty identifying feelings & struggle with emotional control? We can teach children to recognize their body cues and triggers so that they can learn to self-regulate in difficult times. Not only do we teach these skills but we love to collaborate with school staff, caregivers and other professionals to help generalize these new skills to other settings.
Printing and Handwriting
Is your child having difficulty keeping up with writing demands at school? We can assess your child’s handwriting and teach hands-on ways to continue to develop written output skills. We use evidence-based programs to ensure our kiddos are getting the best information to improve their writing skills.
Occupational therapists can work with children, youth & adults to identify anxious triggers, thoughts and body cues. We are trained in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy which identifies and challenges negative thinking patterns and behaviours. We teach coping strategies including relaxation techniques to help individuals cope during times of distress. We also have therapists that are trained in Dialectical Behavioural Therapy.
Occupational therapists assess and treat difficulties associated with feeding, eating & swallowing. We use a holistic perspective and recognize and assess not only the physiological factors involved in feeding and eating, but also the psychosocial, cultural, & environmental factors.
As occupational therapists, we are able to provide the controlled act of psychotherapy. If you are looking for psychotherapy services for yourself or your child, or if you have any questions about this service, please contact us to learn more!
Mental Health
Would you like to improve your mental health? Are you interested in learning about ways to promote positive mental health in your life? We work with children, youth and adults to ensure that you are meeting the demands of your day-to-day life while also taking excellent care of yourself.
Executive Functioning
These are a set of skills that enable us to plan ahead, display self-control, focus attention, remember multi-step instructions, juggle multiple tasks successfully, organize and plan, among others. These skills are important for children and adults to learn and develop and are used daily over a lifetime.
Assistive Technology
Slower handwriting speed? Difficulty keeping up with the curriculum? Frustration when trying to get thoughts to paper? Reading or writing difficulties? We can assess and identify areas of concern and recommend assistive technology specific to the client’s needs. We can also help your child develop keyboarding skills!
Developmental Milestones
Curious if your little one is meeting his/her developmental milestones? We have the tools to assess children to identify delays in meeting developmental milestones and ensure they are on track during their early years.
Classroom Observations
Would you like for an occupational therapist to observe your child in his/her classroom setting? In private school settings we are able to observe in the classroom, complete individual treatment sessions and collaborate with school staff. We love to take the opportunity to get to know the rest of your child’s team!
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